Have you ever had one of those weekends that you felt like all you did was run..think hamster on his wheel...that was this past weekend for me. We had our New Sharon Spring Festival and I volunteered to be on the committee. I thought that would a good way to meet more people in the community. Well it worked a little too well. I am no longer incognito in New Sharon!
I was on the Queen committee and in charge of Future Royalty. We started planning in January and I really enjoyed it..most of the time. There were a few drama moments but those passed quickly. Friday night it rained and rained and rained. I am pretty sure that I saw a dog floating down the street at one point! That didn't stop us from having the show go on. We had a supper in our City Park Bldg and then because of the monsoon we also had a dance team perform, my future royalty contest, a Christian band (Piercing the Darkness....very good!), and teen dance in the same bldg. There was a lot of people shoved in one small area. I actually got up and talked in front of all of those people (and didn't pee my pants or pass out). Thank you Speech class!
Braden and Emma hung out in the rain and attempted to ride some of the rides. They popped in every now and then looking like drowned rats and then away they went again. Oh to be a kid and enjoy playing in the rain! Also thank goodness for living in a small town and being able to let the kids run and for good friends that live close to the square!
Saturday our family participated in the first annual Jace Race. Jace Carrico was a little boy in Braden's class that passed away last year from a brain tumor he was diagnosed with 4 years ago. His family wanted to give back to the community so they established the Jace Foundation which will give money back to the schools, community, and offer scholarships. They were hoping for 75 walker/runners and we had 450!! It was awesome to see and I was so happy they had such a great turnout. My friend Sandy and her boys and Emma and I walked the mile, but Jamie decided to run the 5k. Jamie ran it in 24 minutes which was great since he didn't train and hasn't ran since high school!
At 1 was the parade. Emma was a Queen's attendant along with her best friend Lyddia (helps when mom is on the Queen's committee!). She rode the float with the candidates and the Future Royalty winners from friday night. Braden made a float for the parade. Ok..Jamie made the float and Braden and Levi (his best bud) helped decorate it. Braden then pulled it with his 4 wheeler. He was a little nervous and Jamie and I were also when we saw him in the parade almost rear end a tractor! We yelled and he stopped..it was all good =)
2:30 finds Emma and me at the program in the park (luckily the weather turned out nice). Emma and Lyddia had to hold the robe for the Queen of 2008 and then sit in the gazebo with the Queen candidates for 1 1/2 hours. Yes, my daughter actually sat like a princess the whole time! It was announced at the program that Braden's float won the Most Humourous Ribbon!!
After the program and clean up I brought Emma around to ride a few rides and then we headed to Chris and Sandy's house for supper with the family and to just veg out until the fireworks.
I am pretty sure I walked a marathon on Friday and Sat. combined and was pretty sure my feet were going to fall off. But I survived, the kids survived and another year has come to a close.