Sunday, November 30, 2008


I'm watching the snow fall as I type this afternoon. It's not even December yet! All the boys are alseep so I have a little break! We just got Carter's 3 year pictures back. He's getting so big! Brandon has been fighting ear infections so we've been getting less sleep than usual. He did decide yesterday that he's ready to walk! So now he takes 10-12 steps before he falls. Crawling is still the fast way, but walking is getting better. We didn't have too busy of a weekend. We went to my parents and my grandma's, but that's about it. A nice break before the craziness of Christmas!!! Carter is really excited this year. He is bugging Adam to put up lights on our house like all the neighbors! Here's his latest pic....

1 comment:

Sandy said...

He is such a spitting image of you!
Hard to believe how fast they grow.