Sunday, February 15, 2009

Where is Spring?

Hello, I am not sure about the rest of you but I think it is very cruel to tease us with 60 degree weather that melts all of the snow and then to have 4-5" of snow dumped back on us! I was finally enjoying seeing brown..knowing that green will pop up one of these days..heck, I even found where all of our rock to our driveway was hiding. Now all I see is white, white, and more white..oh wait..maybe it would help if we didn't have 3 white vehicles, a white house, white goats, a somewhat white horse, and a white barn =) I think Jamie and I really need to venture in different color palletts.

This weekend is much calmer than last weekend was. I tried to pile way too much stuff in 2 days..and most of that stuff was actually on Sunday. Emma had cheerleading camp on Saturday and then Jamie and I had to help set up for the wrestling tournament that our school was hosting last Sunday. We got done with that and had supper with Donna and Brian and Jay and Carol Kime which was nice and relaxing. Sunday was the day that never stopped. I was at the school from 8:30 until 1:30 for the wrestling meet. Braden got 1st..Yeah! Then the kids and I headed to Pella to help my grandma celebrate her 95th birthday. Chris set up a really nice slide show for her and used the song "It's good to be alive". Grandma found that funny..good thing she has a sense of humor!

After the birthday party my whole family headed to the bowling alley for Madeline's 10th birthday. Hard to believe that Madeline and Braden are 10 this year...something about double digits that makes you feel like they are growing up very fast! Probably doesn't help that Braden is talking about girls already and telling me stories of how his friend's go on "dates". He thinks it is stupid...good job Braden, keep thinking that until you are 25!

We went to my mom and dad's house after bowling for cake and pizza. We finally got home at 9 on Sunday night and for those that know me..that is pretty late for me.

Hope you enjoy the pictures. Also enjoy the thought that Emma is going to another cheerleading clinic at William Penn this coming Saturday. If she didn't look like me I would seriously wonder if they switched babies at the hospital!

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