Thursday, April 16, 2009

10th b-day

Happy 10th Birthday Braden!!!
10 Years ago at 12:26 p.m Braden James Tyrrel was born. He weighed 9lbs even and was 21" long. What a day that changed my life forever!
After gaining 70lbs, being admitted to Mercy for a week to stop premature labor, being put on bed rest after released, having to be induced because he didn't want to come out after being told to stop 6 weeks earlier, going through back labor, and then being told I had to have a c-section due to him being breech! I knew that he was going to be a difficult child and he didn't disappoint me for the first 3 years. We went through colic, pneumonia, numerous ear infections and then finally tubes, and temper tantrums that could make a saint cry! Oh yeah..also that time he peed on his videos in his bedroom just because he thought it would be funny!!
Braden finally decided that he wanted to be my golden child and he has not disappointed me.
3 words for Braden- Compassionate, funny, and very sweet! I so look forward to watching him grow into a teenager, young adult and beyond.
I can't believe he will be able to get his permit in 4 years and he has already driven Jamie's truck from his Aunt's house to ours (around 6 miles) by himself! Jamie was driving the tractor in front of him.
Braden you are awesome and Dad and I love you more than anything in the world! I know deep down that Emma does also =)

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